Saturday, April 5, 2008

I just deleted a very grumpy post about the weather. I actually don't want this blog to become a repository for all my negative bitchings and ramblings of a given morning, although some people have blogs expressly for that purpose. The occasionaly rant is OK (I stand by my Maxim blast from last year) but from now on, I'm keeping this stuff nice and lively.

On a decidedly more positive note, I realized yesterday that I'm probably more than halfway done my loathed thesis. Big fat theory chapter complete, NOTLD chapter essentially done; one more chap on Day and Dawn and a conclusion. If I hold up to my 2-drink limit, I should be done in no time.

I work this afternoon, and I'm counting on a really busy Saturday afternoon. Nothing gets me pumped for spring like seeing people stock up on sandals, bikinis, shorts, etc. There's one 6-foot snowbank on my street that doesn't look like it's going anywhere though. I'm trying to think of a way to melt it... manually? Blowdryer?

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