Sunday, August 24, 2008

Finished my curtains!

Something to lighten my ugly view from my useless bedroom window while darkening the mood of my room; bats!


Anonymous said...

Very chic! Where did you find them?

Necromandrea said...

Why, I crocheted them! I got the pattern from the Stitch n Bitch Srochet book!

Unknown said...

those are BAD ASS!

Anonymous said...

Nice curtains and even more amazing that you crocheted them! Man, I'm useless.

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

oh i love those! they are so awesome

aandjblog said...

whoa! awesome. I saw on your facebook that a certain mutal friend wrote "nice curtains" I was like wtf? Now I understand. They are wicked curtains!!

lisa said...

holy shit. you made those!? AWESOME!

Melissa said...

Those are really great!