2) a REALLY CUTE pair of cowboy boots, which I have been coveting for a long time (ever since I saw Death-Proof, I think). They fit perfectly and were only $20. The only problem; they were pink. PINK. Like an awful peachy-pink. My mom called them "flesh". GROSS. I know I'm not "with it" and all (see blog entry for April 9), but I think people shouldn't wear clothing/accessories that match their fucking skin. Period.
I'm obviously dying them black. I used an entire bottle of leather dye (they're suede, by the way) and I just managed to complete one full coat. They're looking a little bluish, so I think I'll get a second bottle and top them up. They're looking amazing... the decorative gold stitching was done in nylon thread, so it's still gold against the black. I'll post before and after pics when they're done.
Last but not least, 3) a really fun British craft book from 1973. I basically collect craft books. I especially like kitchy ones from the 60s and 70s. Some of the projects are so cute! Check out these jumper-things;

I think they're really fucking adorable. Would I wear one?... probably not. But still. The book calls them "playclothes" which is so Sound of Music. I may make one with exaggerated belt loops for scissors and pockets for pins and such and call it my sewing tunic.
I guess the book is my favorite find right now because it's the only one I can enjoy immediately. The boots will take a while. The fabric was a great find, though. I even brought around my lampshade in the hope of finding some cloth to somewhat match. All I need now is the perfect picture frame to display prices. And the card table, of course. And some stock...
you should have left your pink boots pink! You'd be so trendy.
Good finds. Love the craft book.
i'm doing a basement artist show in september, so you'll have to give me like a million tips! AH!
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